I missed my own deadline. If you came to the CBX you already know.
The book is still in my head, but at least I got the cover done.
My new release date is February, which is when the media is interested in books by "blacks".
But I'm changing its name from Black History Month to "American Truth Month". As the name
implies, I want Feb to become the one month to feature books and media that counter the self-deluded narrative that's still being taught in most schools (and reinforced in pop media).
Meanwhile, if you want to order an autographed, collectors edition of the world's first Shirt Pocket Novel, "Brand New Race", send $10, which includes shipping (in the US) to:
Via PayPal:
Lowell Thompson
Or by Mail:
Lowell Thompson
P.O. Box 408343
Chicago, Il 60640-8343
Be sure to include your mailing address.